
Futurewhiz is a B Corp!

B what?! A certified Benefit Corporation! 🎉 That means we meet high social and environmental standards and are part of a global movement of companies for an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economic system.

Business as a force for good

Futurewhiz has obtained the B Corp certification in 2020, and we are very proud of that! B Corp is the hallmark for organizations that besides growth also consider people, environment and society. With this certification, Futurewhiz belongs to a global network that contributes to a sustainable and responsible world. In the Netherlands, we are 1 of the 309 companies with a B Corp certification.

We got 81.1 points!

The B Corp certification is preceded by a comprehensive assessment. Each company is tested on 5 components: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers. Read below what each section entails and our score.

About B Lab

The B Corp movement is an initiative of B Lab that was founded in 2006. This originally American nonprofit organization is engaged worldwide in developing, awarding and monitoring the B Corp certification. B Lab is now active in 101 countries and since 2015 in the Netherlands. There are currently 8,984 B Corps worldwide, including 1,890 in Europe and 309 in the Netherlands. The B Corp status shows that the company focuses not only on commercial, but also on social and sustainable purposes, thus doing its part for a better world. To achieve this status, companies go through a strict assessment. This involves an evaluation of the company’s social, environmental and societal performance, as well as transparency and accountability. Companies that score at least 80 out of 200 points in this assessment may call themselves a B Corp. After that, they must recertify every three years to maintain their B Corp status.


Do you have questions about our B Corp status? Or would you like to share your thoughts? Let our Social Impact Manager Lisa Potma know via

Futurewhiz Impact Report school year 2023-2024

At Futurewhiz, our mission is empowering every child to grow through personalized education. This school year, 933,366 students and 24,536 teachers used our platforms WoordExtra, Squla, Studira and StudyGo and answered a total of 332,091,061 questions! Also, we were able to help 9,713 children from low income families via foundations and municipalities. Read more about these numbers and our impact in the full report!


Discover more about our impact and B corp certification in the blogs below.